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Freedom from
the Known
the Celebration of Life in the Present Moment
“I am inviting you to go deeper, to learn and to practice so that
you become someone who has a great capacity for being solid, calm, and
without fear, because our society needs people like you who have these
qualities, and your children, our children, need people like you, in
order to go on, in order to become solid, and calm, and without fear.” Thich
Nhat Hanh
Once Lord Rama asked Lord Hanumana the epitome of knowledge "Gyaaninanaagraganyam" Who
are You? " O my master As the Son of AnJani ( body Consious) I am
your Slave (Dvaita). As a Jiva I am A part of Yours (Ansa) (Vishishtadvaita)
and in the light of Knowledge I am what you are O my Lord (Advaita). Thus
it all depends what bhumi (stage) you stand. All Schools were started by
avataras, nobody can be wrong and other right. All schools of thought are
beautiful flowers of the garden of Vedanta.
"Buddha sitting under his Bodhi tree" is in a deep inner orgasm.
The inner forces have met, they have melted into each other. Now there
will be no need to seek a woman outside because the meeting has happened
with the inner woman. And Buddha is non-attached to, or detached from,
woman outside, not because he is against woman, but because the ultimate
phenomenon has happened within. Now there is no need. An inner circle has
become whole, now it is complete. That is why such grace comes to Buddha's
face. It is the grace of being complete. Now nothing is lacking, a deep
fulfillment has happened, now there is no further journey. He has achieved
the ultimate destiny. The inner forces have come to a meeting and now there
is no "conflict". But it is a sexual phenomenon.
"You have a mind, a certain
mind. When you go to a teacher, you look from your mind. If it fits,
you are happy; you start clinging.
But that is not going to help -- because it fits, it will strengthen
the same mind that you had brought with you. If by chance you come across
a real master, nothing is going to fit. He is going to disrupt all your
ideas about how a master should be; he is going to sabotage you. He is
going to take all expectations. He is to frustrate you, he is to disappoint
you in every possible way -- because that is the only way real work can
start. And if you still can be with him, then... then you are going to
be awakened."

Library |
When we become lost in our lover,
what is happening is that our souls are merging.
This is an experience that is independent of the physical body.
It can be compared to two lights moving
closer and closer until they occupy the same space."
Sant Rajinder Singh
Naked in the Nude
Being nude feels so right
Before Western civilization, nakedness was a normal element of
life and considered acceptable in many circumstances. However,
as Freud describes in Civilization and Its Discontents, psychological
repression of the awareness of our natural being was a necessary
step in building civilization.
The view from the top of the mountain
or an open mind often allows understanding of the bigger picture |
a Tantra Therapist
Break out and have
fun,earn your livelihood as a Certified Tantra Practitioner.
- heal, become conscious and centered, fulfilled and blissful
You will attend the most comprehensive tantra educational training
program currently available in New Zealand. Learn tantra from
the experts,. Personally you will Clear energies that keep you
from the love that's your birthright. Heal wounds that undermine
your relationships. Become the teacher and healer you've always
known you could be and earn a living while helping others heal,
expand and grow. What could possibly be more rewarding? This
is as good as it gets
No experience required
as full training given.Email us.Tantra
Therapist |

For inquiries Phone:
09 8202225 |
"Put away your pointless
taboos and inhibitions on sexual energy , rather help others to truly
understand its wonder and beauty, let go
and realise this freedon this incredible lightness of being, honor the
many sensefull moments, in this Blissful Tantric unity, that arise, from
a mind that is completely free, not two"
BK Peace
Natural Spirtual Quotes
Reconnecting Philosophy with Natural Being
Although most "spiritual disciplines" insist on evolving
into higher states of consciousness by controlling or "denying
the senses"and so called lower states of consciousness , Tantra
teaches that you cannot experience complete personal and spiritual
liberation while restricting a part of your being
How can one experience Total unity
whilst denying a part of that Totality ?
Spiritual Wisdom Quotes |
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