The Concept of Nakedness.


Ignorance is our natural state, there is nothing wrong with it. Just as everybody is naked behind the clothes-however thick your clothes are, however many layers of clothes you have, your nakedness is still there. There is nothing in it to be ashamed of.


Clad. In her absolute, primordial nakedness she is free from all covering of illusion.
She is Nature (Prakriti in Sanskrit), stripped of 'clothes'.
It symbolizes that she is completely beyond name and form,
completely beyond the illusory effects of maya (false consciousness).
Her nudity is said to represent totally illumined consciousness, unaffected by maya.
Kali is the bright fire of truth, which cannot be hidden by the clothes of ignorance.
Such truth simply burns them away

You feel fear, do it anyways. But do it for someone besides yourself.

The concept of nakedness is a subjective one. To a simple mind, to an innocent mind, nudity is not offensive; it has its own beauty. But up to now, man has been fed on poison, and gradually, with the passage of time, this poison has spread from one pole of his existence to the other. Consequently, our attitude to nakedness is completely unnatural.

Maybe women are offended if someone looks at their breasts and genitals (I dont know why, if a guy looks it means there is something to look at. that is flattering isn't it? i daresay someone will argue that it is sexist to say so. I wish the world will never use the words sexist, ageist, racist, ever) not that there is much to see in their genital area. But I dont get this message from the guys. Guys seem to be more at ease with people looking at their genitals. Maybe because guys dont interpret it as a threatening gesture.

There is the basic anxiety. You are there, but you are unknown to yourself. This lack of knowledge about oneself is the ignorance, and this ignorance cannot be destroyed by any knowledge which others can give to you. They can say to you that you are not this name, you are not this form, you are `soul eternal', but that too, is given by others, that too is not immediate. Unless you come to yourself directly, you will remain in ignorance. And ignorance creates anxiety. You are not only afraid of others, you are afraid of yourself -- because you don't know who you are and what is hidden in you. What is possible, what will erupt out of you the next moment, you don't know. You go on trembling and life becomes a deep anxiety. There are many problems which create anxiety, but those problems are secondary. If you penetrate deeply, then every problem will ultimately reveal that the basic anxiety, the basic anguish, is that you are ignorant of yourself -- of the source from where you come, of the end to where you are moving, of the being whom you are right now.

The history of the gymnasium dates back to ancient Greece, where the literal meaning of the word gymnasion was “school for naked exercise.”

Mahavir lived for twelve years alone in the forest. He would not speak during those days, because the moment you speak you have moved into society. Language is society. He remained completely silent, he would not speak. The basic bridge had been cut so that he would be alone. When you don't speak you are alone, deeply alone. There is no way to move to the other. For twelve long years he lived alone without speaking. What was he doing? He was trying to find out who he was. It is better to put away all labels, it is better to move away from others so that there is no need for the social image. He was destroying the social image. He was throwing away all the garbage that society had given; he was trying to be totally naked, without any name, without any form. That;s what Mahavir;s nakedness means. It was not just throwing away the clothes. It was deeper. It was the nudity of being totally alone. You also use clothes for society: they are to hide your body, or they are to cover you in the eyes of others, because society doesn't approve of your whole body. So whatsoever society doesn't approve of, you have to hide. Only particular parts of the body are allowed to be in the open. The society chooses you in parts. Your totality is not approved of, not accepted.

"I know that the word choice is a favorite New Age term, but it isn't entirely accurate in this context. It is misleading to say that somebody "chose" a dysfunctional relationship or any other negative situation in his or her life. Choice implies consciousness -- a high degree of consciousness. Choice begins the moment you disidentify from the mind and its conditioned patterns, the moment you become present. Until you reach that are compelled to think, feel, and act in certain ways according to the conditioning [i.e. domestication, programming] of your mind." ...if mental development and increased knowledge are not counterbalanced by a corresponding growth in consciousness, the potential for unhappiness and disaster is very great." -- The Power of Now

The same is happening with the mind -- not only with the body. Your face is approved of, your hands are approved of, but your whole body is not approved of, particularly the parts of the body that can give any hint of sex. They are disapproved of, not accepted. Hence the importance of clothes. And this is happening with the mind also: your total mind is not accepted, only parts of it. So you have to hide the mind and suppress it. You cannot open your mind. You cannot open your mind to your deepest friend because he will judge. He will say, "This is what you think? This is what goes on in your mind?" So you have to give him only that which can be accepted -- a very minute part -- and all else that is in you has to be hidden completely, just like your body. That hidden part creates many diseases. The whole psychoanalysis of Freud consists only of bringing the hidden part out. It takes years before the person is healed. But the psychoanalyst is not doing anything, he is simply bringing the suppressed part out. Just to bring it out becomes a healing force.

Only in nakedness, Zhang says, can the body's "relationship with the spirit be identified through its direct contact with the object." In other words, we need to feel the air against our skin.
Zhang Huan


"The whole secret is consciousness. Become more conscious of your anger, of your lust, of your greed, of your jealousy, of your possessiveness, of your violence and cruelty your fears. Become aware of all that you are. Don't avoid anything, don't hide anything from yourself. Be utterly naked before yourself,before others,because in that very nakedness the first glimpse of transformation happens.If one goes on avoiding something inside then the transformation is not possible. It is just like heating water, at one hundred degrees it evaporates, not before that. So unless you are totally naked before yourself transformation is not possible. That total nakedness creates a one-hundred-degree temperature and a quantum leap and a jump from the lowest to the highest, a sudden transformation from passion to compassion."

Loneliness becomes the mirror. Society is the deception. That;s why you are always afraid of being alone -- because you will have to know yourself, and you will have to know yourself in your nudity, in your nakedness. You are afraid. To be alone is difficult. Whenever you are alone, you immediately start doing something so you are not alone. You may start reading the newspaper, or you may put on the T.V., or you may go to some club to meet some friends, or you may go to visit some family -- but you must do something. Why? Because the moment you are alone your identity melts, and all that you know about yourself becomes false and all that is real starts bubbling up.


It was like walking on a razor´s edge. I learned to live as an "open hand" instead of a "fist". The old mind knew nothing about real trust - total nakedness. It only knew hope and fear. The open hand is total unconditional trust. I experienced a falling back into the dual sense of separation whenever the mind, out of old habit, would grasp and reject

Mind will follow like a shadow wherever you go. So it is not going to be easy. It has never been easy for anyone. It will be a long struggle to make yourself again and again alert; again and again to be a witness; again and again not to fall a victim. And to the very last the mind follows. Unless you are desperate, unless you feel that you are incurable, that nothing can be done, the mind will go on haunting you. It will try in every way. It will create fantasies, reveries, dreams; it will create all types of allurements, seductions. It is written in the lives of all the seers that Satan comes, the Devil comes, to seduce. No one comes -- only your mind. Your mind is the only Devil and no one else. It will try in every way. It will say to you, "I will give you the whole world, come back." It will make you depressed, "You are a fool -- the whole world is enjoying and you have come to this hilltop. You are mad. All this religious stuff is humbug, come back. Look, the whole world is not insane and they are enjoying." And the mind will give such beautiful pictures of everyone who is enjoying and the whole world will be more attractive to you than ever. All that you have left behind will pull you backwards.

Many religions, both Eastern and Western, focus on negative aspects of the body: avoiding sex, trying to escape physical desire, trying to escape the suffering of physical life.
These negative cultural images of the body get incorporated into our understandings of body image in secular terms - controlling our bodies to fit into whatever the standard is for beauty and good looks, or for health, through diet, exercise, clothes that hold our bodies to some ideal standard


This is the basic struggle. And this is just because the mind is a mechanism of habits, of mechanical persistence. On the hilltop the mind will feel like hell -- nothing is good there, everything is wrong. The mind will create negativity all around you, "What are you doing here? Have you gone mad?" The world that you have left behind will become more and more beautiful to your eyes and the place that you are in will become more and more ugly. But if you persist and you remain aware that this is what the mind is doing, this is what the mind is bound to do, and if you don't get identified with the mind, a moment comes when the mind leaves you, and with it all the pressures. When the mind leaves you, you are unburdened, because it is the only burden. Then there is no worry, no thought, no anxiety, you have entered the womb of existence. Unworried, you float. A deep silence explodes within you.
The sutra says, THENCE COMES THE END OF MIND PRESSURES. In such solitude, in such loneliness, one thing more has to be remembered: the crowd exerts a deep pressure on you, whether you know it or not.
When you move alone on a solitary hilltop you have space all around you, endless space. The pressure of the crowd, the pressure of others around you, leaves you. You will sleep more deeply. You will have a different quality of awakening in the morning. You will feel free. An inner pressure circle is not there. You will feel unimprisoned, unfettered.

Tantra says that when someone becomes again like a child, he is pure. Of course, he is not a child -- only like a child. The difference is there and the similarity is there. The similarity is the innocence regained. Again someone is like a child. A child is standing naked -- no one feels the nakedness because a child is still unaware of the body. His nakedness has a quality different from your nakedness. You are aware of the body.
The child will one day become aware of his body and will feel the nakedness. He will try to hide, he will become guilty, and he will feel shame. He will come to be aware. So his innocence is an innocence of ignorance. Knowledge will destroy it.
That is the meaning of the biblical story of Adam and Eve being expelled from the garden of Eden. They were naked like children. They were not aware of the body; they were not aware of anger, greed, lust, sex or anything. They were unaware. They were like children, innocent

You simply be yourself and enjoy your solitariness, just like a rock or a tree or a river. Useless! What is the use of a rock just lying there under the rains, under the sun, under the stars? What is the use of this rock? No use -- the rock enjoys itself being that way. Just be a rock. There are rock gardens in Japan, in Zen monasteries; they make rock gardens particularly for this. There are no trees in the garden, just sand and rock. A solitary rock, just sits there, and the master says to the disciple, "Go, and be just a rock, just like that rock. Don't be bothered about the world. That rock remains there whatsoever happens to the world. It is not worried. It is always in meditation."

Unless you are really prepared to let go, you cannot be solitary, you cannot be in solitude. And once you know the depth of it you can come back to society. You must come back because solitariness is not a style of life -- it is just a training. It is not a way of life, it is just a deep relaxation to change the perspective. It is just falling out of step with society to have a look at yourself, who you are, alone. So don't think that this is a style of life. Many have made it a style of life. They are in error. They are absolutely in error. They have made a medicine food. It is not a style of life, it is just medicinal. You fall out for a time being just to have a perspective, a distance, to see what you are and what society is doing to you. When you are out of it, you can have a better look. You can observe. Without being concerned, without being in it, you can become an observer from the hilltop, you can become a witness. You are so far away. Unprejudiced, undisturbed, you can look


Identity would seem to be the garment with which one covers the nakedness of the self, in which case, it is best that the garment be loose, a little like the robes of the desert, through which one's nakedness can always be felt, and, sometimes, discerned. This trust in one's nakedness is all that gives one the power to change one's robes. James Baldwin

So note it, this is not a way of life. I am not saying leave the world and become hermits somewhere in the Himalayas -- no. But sometimes leave, relax, be useless, be alone, exist like a rock, be independent, free from the world, be a part of nature -- and you will be rejuvenated, reborn. Then come back and move in society and in the crowd again. And try to carry that beauty, that silence that happened to you when you were alone. Now carry it, don't lose contact with it. Move deep into the crowd but don't become a part of it. Let the crowd be there outside you -- you remain alone.
And when you become capable of being alone in the crowd, you have achieved real aloneness. It is easy to be alone on a hilltop. The whole of nature helps you, and nothing is a barrier. To be back in the market-place, in the shop, in the office, in the family, and to remain alone -- that is an achievement. Then it is something you have achieved and it is not just accidental, something that happened because of the hills. Now the quality of consciousness has changed. So remain alone in the crowd. The crowd will be there outside but don't allow it to enter in. Protect whatsoever you have gained. Defend it, don't allow it to be disturbed. And whenever you feel that the feeling has become dull, that you are missing it, that society has disturbed it, that the dust has gathered around, that the fresh spring is no longer fresh, that it is polluted -- move again. Fall out of society to renew it, to make it alive again. Then come back and move in the crowd. And then a moment will come when that original spring will remain fresh and no one will be able to pollute it or contaminate it. Then there is no need to move anywhere.


You feel fear, do it anyways. But do it for someone besides yourself.

Allow YOURSELF to feel love, allow YOURSELF to try to paint and fail or succeed, allow your self to be naked. Just to do things without all the restrictions I've put in place. The chains of my own bondage, returning to and burning in the sun


We have lived our lives WITHOUT MAKING ANY DECISIONS FOR OURSELVES, we simply run the situation through our pleasure/pain calculator and are given our answer. So we live our lives like this and feel powerless to stop using the calculator and make our own decisions


But if in your fear you would seek only love's peace and loves pleasure,
Then it is better for you that you cover your nakedness and pass out of love's threshing-floor, Into the seasonless world
where you shall laugh, but not all of your laughter,
and weep, but not all of your tears

Kahlil Gilbran


For all we know
This may only be a dream
We come and go
Like a ripple on a stream
So love me tonight
Tomorrow was made for somebody else
Tomorrow may never come
For all we know.

Naked Tai chi is a trend that can be found in most major cities around the world. In Auckland, it is a members-only group of adults interested in practicing the art of Tai Chi without the restriction of clothing. Although predominantly private, Naked Tai Chiis open to all (over 21), body types and sexual orientations. The class schedule and style are determined by the instructor, but those new to Tai chi are encouraged to attend. The teachings are rooted in Form,breathing and posture, focusing on Tai chi as an ancient tradition handed down over thousands of years. Naked Tai chi is not designed to be sexual in nature, but rather focuses on building core strength and stability, while celebrating the human 09 8289800


Tai Chi in its natural beauty Tai Chi in its natural beauty 2  
Big Beautiful woman doing tai chi    
