Sex Education This site is for people who have questions or concerns regarding sex. or Learn Before You Swallow You must first try to forget the brainwashing we all receive from birth. ~ It’s a tough job but at least you’re here. ~ You already have the battle half won. ~ You’re about to learn that sex is not that dirty evil thing thats been kept hidden from you all these years. ~ You’ll be amazed. ~ People who love Sex are not really a bunch of icky weirdos as you may have been taught, that just save themselves for blissfull marriage... ~ Not only that, but you are probably going to have it soon yourself so enter the playing field with knowkedge, not some sanitised psuedo religious mind game.. SEX IS FUN, its WAR AND HATRED THAT CAUSE THE PROBLEMS So when we talk about Brain
washing were refering to all the violence and hatred you have been
fed over the years, and all the beauty, nackedness and Natural
sex on Tv, videos etc that your mind has been denied,
These Beautifull Bodies and Actions are NOT dirty or
Any male or
who is somehow offended by the sight
of a nude body, probably has some major psychological issues.
Most sites teach with words,we use real video and some informative information For two decades, policymakers have debated the relative merits of sexuality education that promotes abstinence as the only acceptable form of behavior outside of marriage and more comprehensive approaches that discuss contraception as well. The results of several new studies show that these debates may have had a considerable impact on what is being taught in the classroom; moreover, they strongly indicate that politicians—in their drive to promote morality-based abstinence-only education—are out of touch with what teachers, parents and teens think should be taught. If Somebody would like to
Email us and explain what Before you start gettin’ your sex on, you might want to learn a little bit about how to make sure you stay safe, healthy, and happy. A little knowledge can go a long way… trust us on this one.
75% students learn
about sex not from their parents but through porn: I mix the rational understanding of the West with the mystical approach of the East," "I will not bother you with religious nonsense, weird rituals, dogmas, or superstitions." Sex education like you've never seen it before!
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