Maithuna, the meditation
of sex.
Maithuna is the Sanskrit word for union. Maithuna is yogic sexual union.
It means act
or instance of uniting two or more things into one state of being or a
spiritual uniting
in order to bring about concord.
This is the unity of creating one from two, an
escape from the duality system in which we live.
Surrounded by a society that teaches us the convoluted platitudes and
attitudes of t.v. soap
operas and of advertising in a sort of perpetual adolescence of spirit,
we unlearn the sexual
ecstasy that is our birthright.
Sex is available to almost every adult. It cannot
be made illegal, (although laws in different
places including the United States have circumscribed the kind of sex
that is legal and given
bitter punishment or even death for those who transgress the "law")
Sexual voyaging should take us on journeys to incredible spaces of consciousness
and union
with many levels of infinite reality, but that takes unlearning much of
what religion has
promulgated and our parents, in their ignorance, passed on to us.
Making love is a way of getting high, perhaps ultimately the only way.
