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Naked Spirtuality

Reconnecting Philosophy with Natural Being
“I am inviting you to go deeper, to learn and to practice so that you become someone who has a great capacity for being solid, calm, and without fear, because our society needs people like you who have these qualities, and your children, our children, need people like you, in order to go on, in order to become solid, and calm, and without fear.” Thich Nhat Hanh


"Put away your pointless taboos and inhibitions on sexual energy , rather help others to truly understand its wonder and beauty, let go and realise this freedon this incredible lightness of being, honor the many sensefull moments, in this Blissful Tantric unity, that arise, from a mind that is completely free, just one"
BK Peace

"A properly functioning system of indoctrination has a variety of tasks, some rather delicate. One of its targets is the stupid and ignorant masses. They must be kept that way, diverted with emotionally potent oversimplifications, marginalized and isolated." Noam Chomsky

I have spoken on sex because it plays so much significant role in all the religions of the world. They are all against sex. They are all repressive. They teach people to be against sex, against life, to renounce life, to renounce the pleasures of life. Because of them I had to speak that it is all nonsense and it is against nature. Their whole teaching makes people perverted. A repressed sexually person is a perverted person and ninety percent of psychological insanity is created by sexual perversions. And they have made the whole humanity perverted.

If you go and move naked in the street, you are not hurting anybody, you are not doing any violence to anybody; you are absolutely innocent. But immediately the police will come, the whole surroundings will become agitated. You will be caught and put into jail. But you have not done anything at all! A crime happens when you do something. You have not been doing anything, simply walking naked! But why does the society get so angry? The society is not so angry even against a murderer. This is strange. But a naked body, and society is absolutely angry.

"Suppression exists as a protection, as a safeguard, as a security measure, and religions have used this security measure. They have exploited this fear of sex and they have made you more afraid. They have created an inner trembling. They have made sex the basic sin and they say: Unless sex disappears, you will not be able to enter into the Kingdom of God."

They are not afraid of your naked body. They are afraid of their repressions! They are afraid that they may forget everything – they may rape you! They are afraid of their own desires, inhibitions, and they know if somebody provokes them too much they may forget all etiquette, all formality, all religion, all morality. They may forget that they are human beings; they may become just like animals. So they are afraid of themselves, but they don’t want to accept that so they say, ’Nobody can swim or walk naked – it is obscene.’ They throw the responsibility on the naked person. It is not the responsibility of the naked person.

The whole of nature is nude except man. And by your clothes you have become disconnected from nature. It is of tremendous significance sometimes to be nude on the beach and to lie down in the sand under the sun, and feel the sand with your whole body and the sun with your whole body. Sometimes it is utterly beautiful to dance nude under the stars, so that you can again feel the cosmic rhythm that surrounds you, the cosmic vibe.

Although most "spiritual disciplines" insist on evolving into higher states of consciousness by controlling or denying the senses"and so called lower states of consciousness , Tantra teaches that you cannot experience complete personal and spiritual liberation while restricting a part of your being... Osho

But we have made a totally plastic world. We are surrounded not by God’s nature but by man-made clothes. We live not with trees but great huge ugly cement structures. We move not on the naked earth but on coal-tar roads, cement roads.
We have created a world around ourselves and we have cut ourselves off from nature. We have become uprooted — and this uprootedness is one of the basic causes of your misery. Become rooted again into the soil.

"There are people ... I have heard about some English ladies who cover their dogs and cats with clothes. Just think, cows and horses and dogs dressed. Then you will find new pornography arising. Somebody will publish a NUDE picture of a tree -- and you will hide it in a Bible and look at it! This whole foolishness is out of religious repression."

The future of humanity will depend on it. We should bring nature BACK into our lives. When you are sitting by the side of a river, it is a totally different phenomenon from when you are sitting by a swimming pool. The swimming pool has no life in it, it has no flow, it is dull, it is dead. When you are in the mountains it is a totally different world.
It will be easier for you to understand Pythagoras and Buddha and Zorba and me if you go to the mountains, to the rivers, to the trees. But the trees won’t understand your clothes — the trees will laugh at you.

"Removing our clothes in the right context can also provoke an altered state of consciousness, and this deserves a consideration that up until now has been denied for cultural reasons. Even so, some spiritual practitioners have already discovered the power in this technique, such as certain Jain and Hindu monks, Wiccans and Pagans, and some radical Christians. From a psychological perspective, the ability of nakedness to create ASCs, as they are called, was also discovered by psychotherapists in California in the 1960s."

I have heard about a great Zen Master. The emperor of Japan went to see him — he had heard that the Master lived totally nude. The emperor thought maybe he had no clothes, so he prepared, ordered the best clothes possible. He took beautiful velvet clothes and gowns studded with diamonds as a present to the naked fakir.

The Master started laughing. He said, “Thank you for your present, but you will have to take it back.”
The emperor said, “Why?”

The Master said, “You know, I am the only human being here. All my friends are trees and birds and animals — they will laugh at me, they will think I have gone mad. They are all nude, they understand nudity. They won’t understand these beautiful clothes, they won’t understand these diamonds, they won’t understand at all. And if I wear these clothes they will not only laugh at me and they will not only ridicule me — they will start going away from me. We will lose contact. You please take your clothes back.”

'PHILOSOPHY is a disease, and not an ordinary one either. It's not a common cold. It is cancer- Cancer of the soul. Once a person is lost in the jungle of philosophy he becomes more and more entangled in words, concepts, abstractions and there is no end to it. One can go on and on for lives together.'

If you live in the mountains and if the weather allows you, be nude. And that will give you a tremendously new thrill. A new life will surge up in you. In a better world, we will learn more and more to be nude. Clothes should be used for comfort, not for any other reason. Clothes should be used for convenience, not for any other reason. Clothes have no morality in them!

"What does this have to do with nakedness? The kinds of thoughts, feelings and sensations that occur in an ASC(Altered State of Consciousness) vary, and a range of experiences can fall within the category of an ASC triggered by divesting oneself of clothes. At least three distinct experiences can occur singly or in combination: a sense of being ‘unmasked’, heightened sensory perception, and feelings of child-like innocence. "

You have a mind, a certain mind. When you go to a teacher, you look from your mind. If it fits, you are happy; you start clinging. But that is not going to help -- because it fits, it will strengthen the same mind that you had brought with you. If by chance you come across a real master, nothing is going to fit. He is going to disrupt all your ideas about how a master should be; he is going to sabotage you. He is going to take all expectations. He is to frustrate you, he is to disappoint you in every possible way -- because that is the only way real work can start. And if you still can be with him, then... then you are going to be awakened.

'TRUTH happens in a state of not knowing, truth happens in innocence. Truth happens where there are no clouds of thoughts moving in your consciousness, when sky is absolutely clear, when there is no abstraction, when you have no idea and God is or God is not. When you don't believe in no-God, when you are simply in a state of not knowing. You don't claim any knowledge, that non-claiming consciousness begins to open up. All knowledge burdens and closes you.

Once you understand the false as the false, you are becoming capable of knowing the real as the real. To understand the false as the false is
the beginning of understanding the real as the real. The lies have to be exposed. Once lies are exposed, truth stands nude, naked, revealed

Osho etc.

Or in Simple English - if you are Narrow minded, Bigoted and Spiritualy hypocritical ie offended by the naked form
go away!!!



If I do not want what you want, please try not to tell me my want is wrong.
Or if I believe other than you, at least pause before you correct my view.
Or, If my emotion is less than yours, or more, given the same circumstances, try not to ask me to feel more strongly or weakly.
Or yet if I act, or fail to act, in the manner of your design for action, let me be.
I do not for a moment, ask you to understand me. That will come only when you are willing to give up trying to change me into a copy of you.
I may be your spouse, your parent, your offspring, your friend, or your colleague. If you will allow me any of my own wants, or emotions or beliefs, or actions, then you open yourself, so that some day these ways of mine might not seem so wrong, and might finally appear to you as right for me. To put up with me is the first step to understanding me. Not that you embrace my ways as right for you, but you are no longer irritated or disappointed with me for my seeming waywardness. And in understanding me you might come to prize my differences from you, and, far from seeking to change me, preserve and even nurture those differences.

1998 by David Keirsey

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